Shohel Rana

Author, Founder & Publisher @ Home Deviser

Who Am I

I’m Shohel Rana, the design enthusiast, DIY aficionado, and organizational guru behind

From rearranging furniture as a child to hunting for vintage treasures now, I’ve always been captivated by the power of transforming spaces.

It’s not just about aesthetics; it’s about crafting havens that reflect our individual stories, spark joy, and nurture our well-being.

My passion for design led me to explore diverse styles, delve into practical tips, and discover the magic of making even small spaces sing.

But I also believe in the power of functionality.

A cluttered home can drain energy and hinder inspiration, so I’m passionate about sharing cleaning and decluttering strategies to help you achieve a sense of peace and order in your sanctuary.

How It Started was born from a simple desire: to empower others to create dream homes they love.

Whether you’re a seasoned DIYer or a design newbie, I want to be your guide and cheerleader.

Navigating the vast world of design inspiration and practical advice can be overwhelming, and I wanted to create a space where everyone could find helpful tips, affordable solutions, and a supportive community to share their journeys.

Vision & Mission

Vision Statement for

To inspire and empower you to transform your house into a home that truly reflects your unique story and sparks joy in your everyday life. I believe everyone deserves a haven that nourishes their well-being and fuels their creativity, no matter their budget or design experience.

Mission Statement for is dedicated to:

Unleashing your inner design explorer: We’ll delve into diverse styles, help you discover your design voice, and show you how to express your personality through your space.

Empowering you to decorate on a budget: You don’t need a designer budget! We’ll share affordable decor solutions, DIY projects, and upcycling tips to help you achieve your design dreams.

Sparking your creativity: Get inspired by my projects, stunning home transformations, and practical tips to unleash your inner design guru.

Conquering the clutter and creating calm: Learn effective cleaning and decluttering strategies to achieve a sense of peace, order, and increased productivity in your haven.

Building a community of design enthusiasts: This blog is your space to connect, share ideas, and find encouragement from fellow home decor lovers.

Remember, creating a home you love is a journey, not a destination. Let’s embark on it together!